Monday, September 29, 2008

So tired

The undefeated run has come to an end. Tonight we lost, 2-0, to the side that won the league last year. It could have been 1-1, against another team the same performance would have earnt us a win so I don't think there's anything to be disappointed about really (well the result, but in terms of the performance nothing)

Today has been pretty good all round really, had a quite encouraging phone call from one of the schools today which suggests we might be moving forward there and that Plan B might go down well in both schools. The new Eden's Cavern got the go ahead for a Thursday evening which should hopefully get more people through the door in the week and give me an opportunity to play some music which is one of the things I wanted to do this year so thats great as well.

The weekend was fantastic as well. The Francis Bacon retrospective is amazing and I recommend it to anyone. The sense of isolation and constriction in some of the paintings is incredible and the way the subjects are stripped of everything but "base emotion" is really quite powerful. That said I wouldn't really want him to paint my portrait! The Globe was nice as ever though the play made me realise that I don't know enough about the French Revolution. Still it was interesting to see how different philosophies were adopted and then abandoned and distanced from the revolution as their political need and position changed.

So all in all I am currently feeling very jolly with life and I think the weekend jolly is one of the reasons so thankyou to team vauxhall and team Morgan :)

Currently listening to: James Brown, The Essential Collection - fairly amazing, I don't think anything else need be said.

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